Donate a Handbag, Change a Life

Help us raise the roof by donating a designer handbag or other items for the Diva Bag Auction 

We’re bringing back a favorite community event, with a new twist this time!  The Diva Bag Auction planning committee looking for new or like-new designer or vintage handbags for the upcoming auction June 18-20. Supporters may also donate other auction items like spa packages and hotel packages that can be auctioned with the handbags for an added value. 

The “Diva Bag Auction” is an interactive giving event started in 2005, where supporters donate a new or like-new handbag that is auctioned to raise funds for Girls For A Change (GFAC) programs. This year’s auction will raise funds for the organization’s One Million Reasons to Build campaign to purchase and remodel their building in order to serve more girls in the Richmond Region. Donations valued at more than $250 are tax-deductible.

For more than 20 years, Girls For A Change has been one of very few organizations in the U.S. that provides academic, cultural and professional enrichment tailored to Black girls. Now more than ever, we need to purchase our space where Black girls will always be seen and heard and their history and heritage won’t be silenced.” – Angela Patton, Girls For A Change CEO

This year’s Diva Bag Auction will be held online and its auctioneers will be celebrity supporters like GFAC Celebrity Advocate Erica Ash, Actress Lindsey Blackwell, Actor Chad L. Coleman, Actress Jodie Turner-Smith, and more. Donors will not only be helping a Black, woman-owned nonprofit gain equity through ownership (read the article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch), their bag and/or items will be held and promoted by one of GFAC’s celebrity supporters. The auction will take place online in May with an expected audience of 750,000. Additionally, donors will be promoted through Girls For A Change digital channels and press contacts. Donated brands include Fossil, Sassy Jones, Dooney & Bourke, Zashadu, AAKS, Telfar, and Hogoe


A handbag can go a long way to help the organization raise $1M and make Herstory as a Black Woman-owned and led property owner. If supporters would like to donate a handbag or auction item to place in the bag, visit click here. Auction items can include trips, jewelry, small luxury items, dinners, experiences, theater tickets, spa packages, etc. All donations must be received by March 25. 

Save the dates:

  • Friday, May 20, Registration Opens
  • Saturday, June 18th Bidding Kicks off
  • Sunday, June 19th Bidding ALL DAY
  • Monday, June 20 Auction closes at 6 PM  

Other ways you can support the auction:

  1. Become A Sponsor 
  2. Make a cash donation or underwrite an expense 
  3. Join us online and place your bid