Girls For A Change (GFAC) was formed in 2000, and achieved nonprofit status in 2004, with the idea of empowering young women by inviting them to design, lead, fund and implement social change projects that tackle issues girls face in their own neighborhoods.
Since 2013, GFAC has focused more deeply on the empowerment and uplifting of a population whose needs are most unmet — Black girls. We, as an organization and movement, view this action as a first step to end the prejudice, poverty and lack of resources that leave Black girls and young women vulnerable at the margins of society.
Through GFAC programs, not only do girls create change by engaging in social change projects, but in the process, they learn problem-solving skills, as well as what it means to change policy and create movements. GFAC programs also focus on leadership skills, goal-planning, financial literacy, building a network, exposure, community engagement, skill-building, sisterhood building, and socio-emotional learning among other things. We also address various issues to include institutional racism, sexism, the digital divide, and the glass ceiling, which for many Black girls can be a concrete ceiling.
GFAC programs are designed to provide consistent support to girls, from their youth into their young adulthood, and beyond. We also provide outreach programs for middle and high school girls. Through experiential learning and consistent exposure, we focus on ensuring girls are ahead of the learning curve, breaking cycles and closing the opportunity gaps faced by too many disadvantaged, marginalized or underrepresented girls — specifically Black girls. We want to give every girl* who aspires to get ahead a chance to be seen, heard and celebrated.
*While GFAC has chosen to focus on Black girls for the various reasons listed above, all girls are welcome to participate in our programs as our vision is for every girl to be seen, heard and celebrated.
What We Do
Our Values
Empowering Bold Visions and Playfulness: We are committed to giving Black girls radical permission to set bold visions, take risks, engage in playful exploration, and fully embrace their childhood. This approach nurtures their creativity and self-expression.
Uncompromising Integrity and Excellence: Our actions are guided by a steadfast commitment to integrity and a pursuit of excellence in all that we do. This ensures the highest quality in our programs and interactions.
Systematic and Community-Centric Approach: We emphasize working systematically and collaboratively within communities. This approach is crucial for achieving the most effective outcomes for Black girls, ensuring their voices are central in our efforts.
Co-creation and Participation: Welcoming Black girls to co-create our programs allows them to help set the tone and pace of engagement, ensuring our initiatives truly resonate with and empower them.
Challenging the Status Quo: We are dedicated to challenging existing norms and advocating for transformative change, breaking down barriers that impede the progress of Black girls.
Two-Fold Mission of Preparation and Advocacy: Our program is driven by a dual mission: to prepare Black girls for the world and simultaneously prepare the world for Black girls. This involves equipping them with the skills, confidence, and resilience to navigate diverse environments while also advocating for societal changes that acknowledge and celebrate their unique experiences and potential.
Who We Serve
of the girls served by Girls For A Change are
Black girls
are other girls of color
are white girls
qualify for the Federal Free
and Reduced Lunch Program

We provide support and programs for girls from elementary school age to early adulthood

Middle and High school Girls who have participated in our programs for 3+ years are eligible to serve as Co-Coaches of our Girl Action Teams

Our Goal
We expect to change the trajectory of Black girls' lives and increase the contribution of Black girls in the 21st century. We want every girl to be seen, heard and celebrated. They should have the emotional, social and practical skills necessary to overcome obstacles to their advancement. Girls should be able to succeed in school, college, workplaces and their communities, and build the skills that will help them reach economic prosperity and dignity as adults.